As an intern at RMCERI, I had the privilege of witnessing a powerful collaboration between our incubator and the ABCD Masterclass. On that auspicious day—August 21, 2023—Martin Manmohan, the Center Manager, stepped onto the stage to share how RMCERI actively contributes to community development by assisting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Let’s delve into the remarkable insights from this event.

1. RMCERI: The Incubator with a Purpose

RMCERI isn’t your typical incubator. We don’t just nurture startups; we believe in harnessing community assets to drive positive change. Our mission? To empower SMEs through an asset-based lens.

2. ABCD Principles in Action

Martin Manmohan eloquently laid out the ABCD principles that guide our work:

  • Community Assets: Beyond deficits lie hidden treasures. Communities possess physical resources, skills, talents, and passions. RMCERI identifies and celebrates these assets.
  • Shifting Perspective: Instead of fixating on what’s lacking, we ask, “What strengths can we build upon?” This mindset shift fuels innovation.
  • Positive Change: Martin shared a real-world success story. In a struggling neighborhood, RMCERI collaborated with local entrepreneurs:
    • Identifying Strengths: We surveyed the community. Carpenters, bakers, artists—all emerged as assets.
    • Leveraging Assets: Job training programs sprouted, utilizing carpenters’ skills. A vibrant creche blossomed, thanks to passionate community members.
    • Sustainable Impact: The neighborhood transformed. Jobs were created, families thrived, and hope rekindled.

3. SMEs: Our Partners in Progress

RMCERI’s commitment extends to SMEs:

  • Capacity Building: We offer workshops, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
  • Access to Resources: From funding to market research, we connect SMEs with vital resources.
  • Collaboration: We foster partnerships within the community, amplifying collective impact.


RMCERI isn’t just an incubator; it’s a catalyst for community resilience. As Martin Manmohan reminded us, “Every business is an asset, and every entrepreneur a beacon of change.” Let’s continue nurturing these assets, one SME at a time.

So, fellow changemakers, let’s be ABCD champions and build a thriving ecosystem where deficits fade, and possibilities flourish!